The pro-life fight for women’s rights
Former abortion provider speaks out about abuse of the RU-486 abortion drug
OTTAWA, ON—The abortion debate rages, but one important discussion, largely unnoticed amid the banter of columnists, continues at Health Canada behind closed doors.
Health Canada is currently reviewing an application for an abortive drug called mifepristone or RU-486. Seeking to bring this issue to light, Campaign Life Coalition, a national pro-life organization, made RU-486 the theme of the 2014 March for Life and the Rose Dinner banquet.
Speaking to the 450 Rose Dinner attendees on May 8, former abortion provider Carol Everett explained how abortionists blatantly extort women using RU-486.
“They use it as a way to double-dip on abortions. They know it only works in the first 49 days, but they use it up to 63 days. So they know they can get two procedures out of one woman. It’s a deliberate thing.”
Everett explains when a girl takes RU-486, she signs a form agreeing to a surgical abortion if she doesn’t immediately lose the baby, and in most cases the woman is still charged full price.
“Recently, in Houston, there was a woman who paid for five procedures before it finally worked. They just kept charging her,” says Everett. “We don’t have a true picture of the complication rates because they are not required to report complications. But even in clinical trials [of RU-486], in Canada, one woman died.”
Despite the inaccurate stats, RU-486 has a notoriously high complication rate with serious risks of blood clots, hemorrhaging and septic shock.
“I believe there is a huge psychological risk, as well. Because the death and delivery occur at home, the woman sees her baby. It’s a devastating thing for women to see, to hold a six-week baby, and know it’s not a blob of tissue; it has arms and legs.”
“When you read what [the woman has to] go through, I can’t imagine why this drug has advocates,” she says. “Even some pro-abortion feminists have written scathing reports on the drug. They talk about women, alone, undergoing an abortion, bleeding out in their bathroom. There is no comfort or medical follow-up and the pain is incredible. Is this the best we can do for women?
“It goes without saying that every baby has a right to life, but in this desperate, radical attempt to provide abortion in every way possible, it has fallen to the pro-life movement to advocate for the well-being of women.”
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