What is better than demanding rights, defining enemies, and defending Christian freedom?


It’s a word many Christians in the West use to describe what’s happening to them. Just a short time ago I received an email claiming there is a “powerful assault” against Christianity in our modern world.

Those who believe we are under attack identify anyone or anything that does not stand in alignment with traditional, conservative, Christian values as an adversary. The list of enemies includes, but is not limited to: public schools, the media, the LGBT Community, our government, the Supreme Court and the list goes on. When people believe this, violence is never far behind.

When a dominant institution, such as the Church, experiences decline or is met with a challenge, they often fail to look within at its own failures or weaknesses. Instead, the institution sharpens its focus outward to see what outside forces are causing the problems.

Once those outside forces are identified, they are seen as an enemy. Once this defensive posture is taken no questions or challenges to the establishment are tolerated – attacks against any real or perceived threat become commonplace.

Are we under attack?

So, here we are, the Church.

Many choose to engage in the age-old game of retaliation and rationalize their actions in the name of self-defense. Click To Tweet

I do not recall a time when the feelings of “being under attack” have been greater. It’s no surprise some who identify as Christian return fire at those who not only refuse to “toe the line,” but have dismissed the line altogether. Many have chosen to engage in the age-old game of retaliation, and rationalize their actions in the name of self-defense.

At this point I am tempted to quote Paul who instructs the people of God,

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink … Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:20,21).

Which means, if these attacks against Christians are real we should not live in a posture of defensiveness, but one that is willing to serve anyone and everyone.

But here’s the thing, many of those who have been deemed enemies are not enemies at all. Sure there are those who can’t stand Christians and the Church. In my experience those who revile the Church have often been victims of judgment, rejection and condemnation at the hands of Christians – so their feelings are understandable.

As for the so-called “enemies” – the belief that they are engaged in a full-scale attack on the Church in the West is largely a story told by Christians.

Those who believe Christianity in the West is under attack are not suffering persecution, but suffering from a loss of influence, power, control, authority and, yes, privilege. While they were once the dominant voice in culture, they now are only one of many. What was once their grand stage is now a smaller platform among others.

This is painful for many, no doubt, and points to a time of change for Western Christians. Any time change comes we are faced with having to make decisions. And one thing is for sure, choosing to see ourselves as victims under assault and arming ourselves to defend against our enemies is not the best way forward.

Demanding rights, defining enemies, and defending freedom

Perhaps we should reflect on the hymn Paul recorded in Philippians 2 to remind ourselves we are to have the same mindset as Jesus. I am glad Jesus did not walk among us only to demand his rights, define enemies, and defend his religious freedom.

Jesus did not walk among us only to demand his rights, define enemies, and defend his religious freedom. Click To Tweet

Rather, Jesus who had ultimate privilege forfeited that to be with humanity in all of our glory and mess. He was despised, rejected, oppressed, afflicted, bruised and punished – all without firing back or defending or calling anyone an enemy.

Which looks more like Jesus - defending and retaliating or giving and serving? Click To Tweet

Many want to defend Christianity, which they claim is under attack in the West. But I wonder, how many are willing to give, sacrifice, serve, and humble themselves for the sake of others? And I wonder, which looks more like Jesus; defending and retaliating or giving and serving?

While the answer to that last question is obvious, it seems living the answer to that last question is incredibly difficult.

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About the author


Michael, his wife and three children live in Denver, Colorado. He is the Lead Pastor of Denver Community Church. Michael is the author of, Unlost: Being Found by the One We Are Looking For and Changing Faith: Questions, Doubts and Choices About the Unchanging God. He writes regularly at michael-hidalgo.com

About the author
