A prayer for judges

Effective August 30, Justice Ian Binnie and Justice Louise Charron are retiring from the Supreme Court of Canada. Who will take their place?

“Pray for guidance that two positions will be filled by those who will bring righteous decisions with justice and fairness to serve all Canadians," requests a summer newsletter from the National House of Prayer. The newsletter than highlights a couple of Bible verses, extracting some relevant wisdom from a passage where Moses is reviewing the ways God guided and provided for His people throughout the wilderness years.

Two verses refer specifically to the responsibilities of judges. “Give the members of your community a fair hearing, and judge rightly between one person and another, whether citizen or resident alien. You must not be partial in judging: hear out the small and the great alike; you shall not be intimidated by anyone, for the judgment is God's" (Deuteronomy 1:16,17).

We happily echo this plea for judges who will provide fair hearings and righteous judgments without playing favourites. Amen.

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