Awakened by dreams of water
I was awakened. I don’t suffer from insomnia, nor am I a worrier, but I was awakened for no apparent reason—or so it seemed. I was so tired and I just wanted to go back to sleep. I have to…Read More→
By Andrea Foster and ChristianWeek on
I was awakened. I don’t suffer from insomnia, nor am I a worrier, but I was awakened for no apparent reason—or so it seemed. I was so tired and I just wanted to go back to sleep. I have to…Read More→
By Andrea Foster and ChristianWeek on
Annie and Audrey enjoy being in church. They love worship. When music is playing, they sing loudly and dance in the aisles. And when the preacher preaches … well, Annie and Audrey are children. More specifically, they are my children. According…Read More→
By Andrea Foster and ChristianWeek on
“There have been some complaints.” The kind usher was caught in the middle and delivered the words with some hesitation. When I realized we were being asked to leave, my throat tightened and hot tears filled my eyes. My heart…Read More→