Articles written by Darryl Dash

  1. Columns0

    God in the gritty, quiet places

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    I always thought of Halifax as quaint, like a big small town. I had a hard time believing that Halifax faces urban issues like crime, homelessness, and poverty. On a Thursday in May, I drove down Gottingen Street (nicknamed Got-a-gun…Read More→

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    Making sense of weakness

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    I spend so much time trying to be strong that I have a hard time making sense of what the Bible says about weakness. “I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling,” the apostle Paul writes….Read More→

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    Planting is for every church

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    I used to think that church planters are deviants—nice people with a rebel streak. I liked them, and I admired them, but I couldn’t relate to them, and I certainly didn’t want to join their number. Tim Keller, a pastor…Read More→

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    Disrupt yourself

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    If you asked me if I struggled with fear just three years ago, I would have told you no. But then I began to notice traces of fear in my life: fear of confronting people, fear of taking a bold…Read More→

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    How to grow a church plant

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    When Terry Cuthbert decided to step down as President of the Fellowship Baptists in Canada—after serving what he calls “12 years of an 8-year term”—he wasn’t sure what was next. After prayer and coaching, he settled on church planting as…Read More→

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    Leaders who last

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    “This book is about finishing your leadership race,” writes Dave Kraft in Leaders Who Last. “It is a marathon, not a hundred-meter dash. You will encounter many obstacles and setbacks. But as a leader, your goal is to finish well.”…Read More→

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    Signs of life

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    eople like me have been writing about the challenges facing the Church in Canada. The problem is that some churches obviously haven’t been reading my column, and they seem to be doing just fine. We just got back from a…Read More→