There Is No Neutral Ground
Can you see it? The violent clash of kingdoms. Can you hear it? The sounds of war. Can you smell it? The atmosphere made toxic by the breath of the dragon. It’s happening all around us, all the time. Humanity…Read More→
Be The Church // Be The Church // Revelation Discipleship0
By John Schaffner and ChristianWeek on
Can you see it? The violent clash of kingdoms. Can you hear it? The sounds of war. Can you smell it? The atmosphere made toxic by the breath of the dragon. It’s happening all around us, all the time. Humanity…Read More→
Stories that Make Us // Thinking it Through0
By John Schaffner and ChristianWeek on
Every human being has an eternal soul. Every person is immortal. There was a time, long ago, when our souls were content because they were connected with our Creator. There was a time, in the beginning, when we had shalom. We were whole….Read More→
Commentary // Stories that Make Us0
By John Schaffner and ChristianWeek on
The shadows are always there They lurk around the edges of our lives We catch glimpses of our shadows along the boundaries of our consciousness They inhabit the borderlands – the space between the darkness and the light The shadows haunt They torment…Read More→