Breaking Bread with Winnipeg’s young adults
Worship event grows from an idea to nearly 500 people in three years
WINNIPEG, MB—When 20-year-old Sarah Froese could not find a regular musical worship event in Winnipeg that connected multiple churches from various denominations, she decided to create one.
It stemmed from what she had seen living it Calgary, and when Froese moved back to Winnipeg in 2011, she hoped to discover something similar in her hometown.
“I was really hungering for a place I could go and feel like I was in the throne room of God with a bunch of other people of my own generation,” she says. It was harder than she thought. She prayed about it, and sought wisdom from trusted mentors about the next steps she should take.
One question continued to pop up, “What could God do with a truly connected church in the city?” Her mentors independently started to challenge her to start a worship event, and Froese says she was excited about the idea.
The first Bread We Break worship event took place one year later in fall of 2012 and has continued to run every second month since.
The response from the community has been overwhelming for Froese. “Our first event we were expecting maybe 30 people but over 150 showed up,” she says. Since then the numbers continue to grow with nearly 500 young adults now attending regularly. Additionally, both the planning and music teams also continue to grow and are now comprised of 13 people from 10 different churches around Winnipeg.
While Froese and her team sometimes feel overwhelmed with big dreams of where this could all lead they are careful to maintain their focus. “Our mission statement in brief is to worship the Lord together, to remember Christ’s sacrifice in communion, and to fellowship with one another.”
The next Bread We Break event is scheduled for March 15 at 7 p.m. at The Meeting Place in Winnipeg. For more information you can find Bread We Break online here.
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