In The Ditch
I’ve been in church since 9 months before I was born, so I’ve heard the story of “The Good Samaritan” more than a few times. You may fall into that category, or you may be new to the story, but…Read More→
By ChristianWeek on
I’ve been in church since 9 months before I was born, so I’ve heard the story of “The Good Samaritan” more than a few times. You may fall into that category, or you may be new to the story, but…Read More→
By ChristianWeek on
*The following except represents the concluding thoughts of Nathan Hatch’s essay: The Political Captivity of the Faithful “The function of our popular culture is to reflect our desires, to cater to our every desire. A church, by contrast, is in…Read More→
By ChristianWeek on
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Have you ever wondered what Jesus did for the first 30 years of his life? If he always had the ability to heal, how many…Read More→
By ChristianWeek on
We are to be a set-apart people group. A colony of heaven on earth. Citizens of an upside-down kingdom. The church. If “church” means “ekklesia”, and “ekklesia” means a gathering of the people of God, then the church began in…Read More→
By ChristianWeek on
Brainstorming ChristianWeek’s Be the Church series after breakfast today, in my midst are not one, not two, but three children: sitting and standing, chitting and chatting, and occasionally (and when I least expect it), doing a bit of school work….Read More→
By ChristianWeek on
If ten, thirty or even fifty years ago, you were asked to imagine the future church, what do you think you would have seen? A bell-and-steeple, brick-and-mortar building on every street corner? … An all-you-can-preach, open mic night on Fridays…Read More→