A journey of generosity
“Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow….instead, you ought to say,…Read More→
By Marlow Gingerich and ChristianWeek on
“Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow….instead, you ought to say,…Read More→
By Lee Beach and ChristianWeek on
No matter how alarmed some people may have been about the prospect of Donald Trump being elected President of the United States, the reality of his ascending to the office has only heightened their level of concern. His campaign rhetoric,…Read More→
By Jayson D. Bradley and ChristianWeek on
We all know fundamentalists, but most of us would never admit to being one. Truth is, I’m a recovering fundie. I was baptized in a particularly conservative church and believed that somehow I’d been fortunate enough to be baptized into…Read More→
By Zach J. Hoag and ChristianWeek on
One of my core callings (you know, besides writing and binge-watching prestige dramas) is preaching. And, there’s a difference between preaching and teaching. Over the years I’ve struggled to understand and express this, and honestly I’ve heard it expressed rather…Read More→
By Karina Kreminski and ChristianWeek on
Today I walked my neighbourhood with my six year old niece. She took her phone and I told her that we would go on a photographic journey. “What’s that?” she said. I told her that we would walk the streets…Read More→
By Matt Charbonneau and ChristianWeek on
As many motorists would tell you, driving at any time can be extremely challenging. There are speed limits and stop signs to consider and obey, as well as construction and rush-hour traffic that can wreak havoc on road conditions and…Read More→