The Gospel as soul aid
My wife and I have a plaque above our bed that displays the well-known words of Matthew 11:28. When making our bed every morning, I try to stop and take the 30 seconds required to read and absorb the message…Read More→
By Matt Charbonneau and ChristianWeek on
My wife and I have a plaque above our bed that displays the well-known words of Matthew 11:28. When making our bed every morning, I try to stop and take the 30 seconds required to read and absorb the message…Read More→
By Bev Mitchell and ChristianWeek on
Assumptions, pre-suppositions, and avoidance of discussing them can lead to numerous undesirable outcomes, in our own thinking, our Christian journey, and within our fellowships. This note, partly inspired by two recent posts at ChristianWeek, illustrates a couple of ways this…Read More→
By Ray Hollenbach and ChristianWeek on
Discipleship is the great calling of the Church, and the only soil that grows disciples is a local church culture of spiritual formation. Every other ministry of the church can, and should, grow from this soil. But here’s the challenge:…Read More→
By Benjamin L. Corey and ChristianWeek on
Standing in judgement over other people is one of the most simultaneously natural and unnatural things we do in life. It is natural– or perhaps I should say, instinctive– because the desire to judge others goes back to the original…Read More→
By Jory Micah and ChristianWeek on
Like many of you, I am a broken woman. The Church that I thought I loved clipped my wings, and told me with its actions, that I was not worthy to lead or sit at “important decision” making tables. I…Read More→
By Andrea Foster and ChristianWeek on
I was awakened. I don’t suffer from insomnia, nor am I a worrier, but I was awakened for no apparent reason—or so it seemed. I was so tired and I just wanted to go back to sleep. I have to…Read More→