The surprising good news of grace
Set aside the question of heaven or hell when we reach the afterlife: what about heaven or hell while we live? It’s only by God’s grace that we reach heaven, but the good news is better than we know: by…Read More→
By Ray Hollenbach and ChristianWeek on
Set aside the question of heaven or hell when we reach the afterlife: what about heaven or hell while we live? It’s only by God’s grace that we reach heaven, but the good news is better than we know: by…Read More→
By Sarah Bessey and ChristianWeek on
I simply get to work on ordinary things. This is all I know to do when I don’t know what to do. We go for a walk in the morning’s cold. We pay attention to the snow dusting the tops…Read More→
By Karina Kreminski and ChristianWeek on
Recently I had an experience where I was sharing in a group with other Christians. We were all speaking very openly about some of the issues that we were struggling with in our lives. As one member of the group…Read More→
By Bradley Jersak and ChristianWeek on
For the first thousand years of Christianity, Christ’s victory was the central theme in the preaching of the Cross. This metaphor is found across the New Testament, the church fathers and early Christian worship. Jesus proves himself to be the…Read More→
By Jayson D. Bradley and ChristianWeek on
The Holmes and Rahe stress scale lists the most stressful life situations in order of “life-change units.” These life-change units affect the chance that various events will negatively impact your health. At the top of the list with 100 units…Read More→
By Brian Zahnd and ChristianWeek on
G.K. Chesterton suggested that Saint Francis of Assisi “walked the world like the pardon of God.” It’s an apt summary of the saint’s life. In his wonderful and unique way Saint Francis embodied the grace of God as he walked…Read More→