Cultivating God’s presence at work
“Everyone has a story, but everyone needs to see God in that story.”
This story originally appeared in the print edition of ChristianWeek. View the PDF here.
RICHMOND HILL, ON—David Lau, a graduate of Tyndale Seminary’s Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program, is one of 20 pastors at Richmond Hill Christian Community Church (RHCCC), a multicultural, multilingual and multigenerational congregation. He serves in Cultivation Ministries, which includes discipleship and teaching to “encourage people to discover meaning in ministry and daily work.”
As part of RHCCC’s marketplace ministry, Lau created a series titled “Kingdom Workers,” which draws from case studies he researched as part of his DMin thesis on the experience of God in the workplace. The Association of Chinese Evangelical Ministries (ACEM) will publish the series in its monthly newsletter. “The hope is that this publication will encourage more people to share their experiences of God at work,” Lau says.
Lau’s passion is to help others find meaning in their individual narratives. He reflects: “Everyone has a story, but everyone needs to see God in that story.” Tyndale’s DMin program gave Lau the academic and practical tools to magnify God amidst the complexities that people face in the workplace.
At Tyndale, Lau formed a vision for a ministry project and implemented that vision in his own ministry context. This allowed him to move his church in a missional direction, while spiritually maturing as a leader.
“I came to discover through my studies that God is part of our everyday work lives,” Lau says. His research found that God is present in the workplace and people can find meaning in life as they discover Him there. This insight will form the core of his ministry in the years ahead.
Lau says the DMin program at Tyndale Seminary equipped him to expand his God-given influence in the world and gain greater opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.
The way Lau sees it, “God is present in people’s lives; God is real and operative beyond the walls of the church.”
For more information about the DMin program at Tyndale Seminary, visit www.tyndaleseminary.ca/dmin .
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