Deconstructing deconstruction
From Faith Today
The debate over deconstruction has quickly become one of the most controversial issues in Protestant Christianity.
Nearly every public figure in progressive Christianity has taken on the topic in some form, delivering effusive essays about the values and virtues of breaking down everything we hold dear. These conversations focus on the questioning, but often avoid any answering -- propping the proverbial church door open for the reader or listener to leave their faith behind entirely, if that's where the process leads them.
Meanwhile detractors of deconstruction have worked overtime to try and counter the movement. Conservatives have generally vilified it as a one-way avenue to atheism, or amoralism at least, and rushed to construct arguments (often tied to apologetics) for why questioning any aspect of their faith is akin to rejecting the veracity of the Bible.
In this thoughtful piece for Faith Today, John Stackhouse examines the history of the word "deconstruction," how we use (and misuse) it, and how we can strengthen our faith through God's Word.
Read the full article HERE.
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