Find the Way with Mike Sherbino
Mike's Minute - Donald Trump, the Pope, and what it means to be a Christian
The American political scene is buzzing over the recent exchange of words between the Pope and Donald Trump. Like most things in the news it is easy to put a spin on someone’s words and miss the intent of the heart.
I like the Pope’s comments when he said that Christians seek to build bridges and not walls. There is a lot of food for thought there. But I also like Donald Trump who comes out unequivocally saying that, "he is proud to say that he is a Christian."
So the defining questions for today are - What does it mean to be a Christian and how do we build bridges?
Romans 10:9 states, “That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
There is something simple, yet powerful in that statement. It is coming to the realization that whether you are the Pope or Trump we all need a Saviour. Trusting in Christ as your Saviour is believing that He can do what you and I couldn’t. That is, pay for our sins so that we can stand in the very presence of God – holy and forgiven as His Sons and daughters.
When Jesus died on the cross he did what no one could ever do – He built a bridge for mankind so that mankind by believing in Jesus could be forgiven and live forever in his presence. I am grateful that Jesus built a bridge called salvation and not a wall to separate us from Almighty God.
Here is a question we all need to ask ourselves - Have I crossed over on that bridge?
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