Find the Way with Mike Sherbino
Mike's Minute on Who can imagine?
It came as a Facebook request asking prayer for her husband who was taking his examination to be credentialed as a pastor. While I remembered going through that experience myself - I did smile.
My mind flashed back almost 20 years to the first time we met. We were travelling to a hockey tournament together. Scott had come once to our church and was serving in the Canadian navy – he was anything but religious. A young 20 something who was full of more “Ink and Muscle” than I could have imagined!
But God had greater plans than just a bunch of guys playing hockey together. Conversations elapsed over the weekend and on the way home from PEI to Nova Scotia – Scott surrendered his life to Jesus Christ.
Now Almost 20 years later he was being ordained as a Baptist Pastor. I texted Scott back - just prior to his exam and said; “ I was thinking about that trip to PEI – who could have imagined?” His reply was to the point, “Only the Lord!”
Likely many of you have been in a situation or maybe facing one today and wondering what the outcome might be? You can’t imagine what God is up to? Paul wrote these words of perspective about our God who sees the end from the beginning and who knows the storybook line of your life – because he wrote it! Listen to the words:
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor can the heart of man imagine, what God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Corinthians 2:9).
The word imagine means "to try to conceive or to enter into the thinking process as we try to envision what might possibly come from the situation you find yourself in."
Most times it is simply beyond our comprehension. In the midst of your situation choose to believe that God is orchestrating something greater than you could imagine. Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride. With the case of Scottie I would also add, keep your stick on the ice.
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