Following Christ despite the cost
“I am so grateful that someone chose to give me a Bible.”
God’s Word will not return void, Isaiah 55:11 tells us.
Yet many people wonder if the simple act of giving a Bible away really makes an impact on the life of the recipient. It does. Consider this testimony Give the Word received not too long ago.
“Whoever gave me this Bible, thank you. And to all of you out there, go get some Bibles, put them in your car, and when you have the urge or the nudge to approach someone about Christ, hand them a Bible and let the Holy Spirit work.
Trust me, it works quite well all over the world and it worked for me. I was raised in a godless home, never hearing the gospel, never attending church; God was never a part of my family’s life.
One day I was handed a Bible from a total stranger and had a radical salvation experience. My family refused to speak to me for a very long time when I made this commitment. It was very hard, but I was determined to follow Christ and found a church that I could call home.
It took me awhile to find the right church that equaled what I was discovering through the Bible all alone in my room. For a while it was just me, God and His Word. My family has come around and some have found Jesus as well. I am so grateful that someone chose to give me a Bible.”
If you would like to find out how to make an impact like this in someone’s life, contact Give the Word at ryan.givetheword@gmail.com.
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