Following the God-nudge
Take the daily opportunities to share God’s Word and change a life
I was driving down a street the other day and saw who I thought was a man sitting on a bench in front of a large apartment building. I got a strong nudge to go and pray for him.
I stopped my car and walked over to find that it was an older, bald woman. I said hi and asked her if I could pray for her.
She looked so confused and asked why in an almost annoyed tone. “Because I felt nudged to pray for you,” I told her. She burst into tears and said, “I am dying of cancer; yes, you can pray for me. My name is Maureen.”
I sat down beside Maureen and prayed as she wept. Before heading back inside, she gave me a huge hug, thanked me and told me that she had never been prayed for before.
I knew that God must have more in His plan than just a prayer. I went back to our Give the Word office and grabbed the He Cares New Testament, a Bible specially designed to help those facing terminal illness.
I wrote Maureen a long letter telling her my faith story and introduced her to Jesus and the plan of salvation…but I didn’t know if I’d ever see her again. So I prayed for God to make our paths cross again.
I went back to her apartment and waited for an hour at a time on three separate occasions but didn’t see her. After the third time I was almost ready to give up and went on my way to do some errands. Then, at the first store where I stopped, there was Maureen standing right in front of me in the check-out line.
She recognized me and gave me a hug. We went out to my car and I gave her the Bible and the letter. She called me a week later. “Your letter and this Bible has changed everything and I’m reading it every day!” she said. I invited her to church and she accepted, telling me, “I haven’t been since I was a little girl but would LOVE to go with you.”
Don’t ask for opportunities. Just take one and watch God work!
Give the Word gets requests for more than 25,000 Bibles each year and counting. If you would like to support the ministry of Give the Word, please contact us today at info.givetheword@gmail.com or visit our website at www.givetheword.ca.
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