Is man still depraved?
We don't hear a lot about the 'depravity of man' in our churches these days. It was a 'given' in years past. Simply it means that we were born with a bent towards evil. We have missed the mark and continue to do so. It explains why this world is in such a mess.
While this doctrine of depravity includes men, women and children of all ages and nationalities it explains in particular why the average man today struggles with living in his family. I see three specific consequences worked out in the life of the 21st-century male.
1. As a man I have a natural tendency to avoid domestic responsibility. Why is it that Scripture tells us over and over again to lead our homes? Because our tendency over and over again is not to do that. Why does the Bible tell us over and over to treat women as equals, and to give our hearts to our children? It's because we don't naturally go in that direction. I was born with a natural inclination toward selfish living. The vast number of single parent families result from the man leaving the woman to fend for herself.
2. As a man I have a natural tendency to rule harshly over women and children. Why is it that in every culture women have to fight for equality and dignity? And why is it that in every culture children are angry against their dads. Genesis 3:6 states it clearly—"Your desire shall be for your husband…and he shall rule over you." The word rule here means 'dominate.' Now that man is fallen he will rule harshly over women. What he'll do naturally is move into a relationship with a woman and with the strength of his personality, and his frame, he'll take advantage of her.
Why does the Apostle Paul admonish men "Do not provoke your children to anger!" Because my natural tendency is to provoke my children. The scene is repeated in homes all over the country—the father barking out orders to his kids.
3. And finally, depravity means that as a man I tend to get lost in my career and personal pursuits and ignore God's purpose for my life. Solomon demonstrated that when he spoke of enlarging his work, increasing houses, pools and gardens and at the end he considered it all vanity. Men naturally move in that direction unless something pulls them back to that which is noble.
Depravity means that most of my problems are in me; not "out there." We need to stop playing the blame game taught to us by our first parents. We need to accept responsibility for our depravity and call on the God who made us, died for us and wants to live in us.
It is His presence in my life that turns the darkness to light, the gloom to glory, and the shame to shalom. Change the heart of the father and the family responds accordingly. Change the heart of the family and society is impacted dramatically. Depravity is a sobering thought but it leads us to a glorious truth. This truth is needed in our world today.
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