Jamaicans to receive first patois Bible translation
KINGSTON, JAMAICAThe West Indies Bible Society recently announced that the New Testament will soon be available for reading in patois, a common dialect of the island of Jamaica.
The society announced the news in early December, following extensive translation from the original Greek text into the patois language.
The patois version of the New Testament will be available for Jamaican readers both in print and on audio CD. Courtney Stewart, general secretary of the regional Bible society, said there is a widespread conviction that Scripture is best understood in a person's spoken tongue.
While many are excited by the news, the idea of patois in the pulpit is still a divisive issue for many in Jamaica. Some critics claim that the translation will dilute Scripture and undermine the weak hold many poor Jamaicans hold on standard English. Supporters however, see it as a bold, empowering move that will finally affirm the indigenous tongue as a distinct language in Jamaica.
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