Niagara diocese the second to offer same-sex rite

HAMILTON, ON--The Anglican Diocese of Niagara has become the second diocese in Canada to offer a sacrament for blessing civilly married same-sex couples.

"We believe this is what God is calling us to," says diocesan bishop Michael Bird. "Ultimately, we are incredibly passionate about building a church that is inclusive...that has social justice as a cornerstone [and] allows people to be that which God has called them to be.

"The Niagara Rite is for the voluntary use of clergy," he adds. "We're not forcing anyone to act on this issue."

But since Niagara began developing the rite last year, four parishes have voted to leave the diocese and join the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC).

"The ANiC was launched as a lifeboat for Anglicans who wished to remain faithful to scripture while remaining in the rest of the global Anglican communion," says Ray David Glenn, rector of St George's Lowville, one of the churches who voted to leave the diocese.

"We never wanted to [leave]," Glenn says. "Over the years we made repeated efforts and pleas with our diocese to pull back from the edge, and those were ignored.

"The problem is the fundamental theological shift that would allow the Diocese to bless what Scripture clearly calls sin. It weakens the uniqueness of Christ and propagates a counterfeit gospel where no one needs salvation or transformation.

"It is pastorally hurtful for many in the diocese, as well as theologically confusing and destructive. I have seen many families drive long distances to join the church here, because they felt disenfranchised and abandoned by their parishes, and now by the Diocese of Niagara."

Bird says, "I have absolutely no ill will towards those who feel they can not walk with us on this. It is very regrettable, but ultimately we knew that this decision is a difficult one for some people and we respect that."

The Diocese of New Westminster became to first Anglican diocese to bless same-sex unions in 2003. Unlike New Westminster, who limit the rite to eight churches, the Niagara Rite will be available to all churches in the diocese.

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