Saturday Special: The Dead-End Road of Christless Conservatism
“You made a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool. But you did not look to him who did it, or see him who planned it long ago.” (Isaiah 22:11)
This verse belongs to a section in the prophecy of Isaiah entitled “the oracle concerning the valley of vision” (v. 1). We should note at the outset that there is a certain irony contained in this title: the valley refers to the region of Judea, and at present it is anything but clear-sighted. In fact, as the prophet is at pains to show, Jerusalem has become shockingly blind to reality through its dogged pursuit of idolatry. The once just and faithful city has reduced itself to whoredom (1:21). There is thus a sad and painful reversal at the heart of this section. The city that ought to be the most enlightened is actually the most enveloped in darkness; the people who should be enjoying the greatest light are languishing in the murky night of spiritual harlotry. And the worst part is, they don’t even know it.
Read more here.
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